Directory of Organizations in Prince George's County, 1986, 12th ed. PGCML: 1985, Call # 061.52P. Available at PGCML. LIBRARIES
Lawton, Elizabeth & Sweeney, Raymond S. Maryland History - A Selective Bibliography (Showing the holdings of some of the major libraries in the Baltimore-Washington area). Rockville, MD: Montgomery County Historical Society, 1975, [209 pp.]. Available at PGCGS. GENERAL HISTORY, LIBRARIES
Prince George's County Memorial Library, July 1946-July 1950. PGCML: 1950. Call # 027.4752P. Available at PGCML. LIBRARIES
Prince George's County Memorial Library, First Ten Years, 1946-1956. PGCML, Call # 027.4752P. Available at PGCML. LIBRARIES
Prince George's County Memorial Library's First Regional Library & Administrative Offices. PGCML: 1964 [pamphlet]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. LIBRARIES
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