Church records can also be obtained at the MSA. They rely on church records for births, deaths and marriages that took place before the existence of civil records. Before records can be searched, please provide the name of church or parish, county, full name(s) of the individual(s), type of record sought and approx. date of record. Not all churches are on file.
The History Division, M-NCPPC, also has files on county churches.
The Addison Chapel: St. Matthew's Church. Seat Pleasant: 1992. Available at FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
American Methodist Bicentennial, 1766-1966, An Official Souvenir Book. Baltimore Conference Methodist Historical Society: 1966. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Ascension Church, 70th Anniversary. Bowie, MD. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES, TOWNS
Baker, Gordon Pratt. Those Incredible Methodists: A History of the Baltimore Conference of the United Methodist Church. Baltimore Comm. on Archives & History: The Baltimore Conference, 1972, [593 pp.]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
"Baptismal Records of the Bladensburg Circuit Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore Conference 1864-1882." Bowie, MD: P.G. Co. Genealogical Soc. Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 4, (Nov 1976), No. 6, (Jan. 1977), No. 7 (Feb. 1977). Available at PGCGS. CHURCHES
Beatty, W. Carroll. University United Methodist Church, 1792-1976. [unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Brown, Helen White. Index to Registers of Prince George's Parish, Prince George's & Montgomery Counties, MD: 1961, Call # 929.3B. Available at PGCGS, PGCML. CHURCHES & RELIGION, DEMOGRAPHICS
Brown, Helen White. Index to Registers of St. Paul's Parish, Baden, Prince George's County, MD, 1831-1885. 1977, Call # 929.3B. Available at PGCGS, PGCML. CHURCHES & RELIGION, DEMOGRAPHICS
Brown, Helen White. Prince George's County, MD Indexes of Church Registers, 1686-1885, V. 2: St. Paul's Parish; Prince George's Parish. PGCHS: 1979, Call # 929.3B. Available at PGCML, PGCHS. CHURCHES & RELIGION, DEMOGRAPHICS
Brown, Helen White. Prince George's County, MD Indexes of Church Registers, 1686-1885, v. 1: King George's Parish (also known as St. John's); Queen Anne Parish. PGCHS: 1979, Call # 929.3B. Available at PGCML, PGCGS. CHURCHES & RELIGION, DEMOGRAPHICS
Brown, Helen White. Index to Registers of Queen Anne Parish, 1686- 1777: 1960. Call # 929.3B. Available at PGCML. CHURCHES & RELIGION, DEMOGRAPHICS
Brown, Helen W. Index to Registers at St. Matthew's Parish, Hyattsville, 1834-1926. Toaping Castle Chapter: DAR, 1982, [212 pp.]. Available at DAR, FMDL, PGCHS, MHSL. CHURCHES
Browning, Leigh. Through the Years, St. Luke's Parish. Bladensburg, MD: 1975. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Brumbaugh, Gaius Marcus (b. 1862). Maryland Records; Colonial, Revolutionary, County & Church, from Original Sources. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1915, Call # 975.2B. [includes 1776 census]. 1985 Reprint available from PGCGS. CHURCHES & RELIGION, DEMOGRAPHICS
Cheesman, William H. The First Methodist Church, Hyattsville, MD: A History of 160 Years 1793-1953. Hyattsville: Church office, 1953. Available at the PGCML, MD Room, Hyattsville Branch; FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Cox, Phyllis Luskey. "Preliminary List of Church Records of Prince George's County, MD." Bowie, MD: Prince George's County Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 14 #1 (Sept. 1982), pp. 7-9. Available at PGCGS. CHURCHES
Cross, Sandra Ann. Immanuel United Methodist Church, 200 Years of Methodism in Southern Maryland, 1793-1993. Brandywine: 1993. Available at the FDML, PGCHS; PGCGS. CHURCHES, TOWNS
Davis, Margaret Alexander. All the Cloudy Days Were Made Bright: A History of the First Baptist Church, Hyattsville, MD: 1965, LC # 65- 17871. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Description of the Needlepoint Altar Cushions, at First United Methodist Church, Hyattsville: 1981. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES, TOWNS
The Diamond Jubilee Guide, 100th Anniversary of First Baptist Church, College Park, Maryland. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES & RELIGION, TOWNS
Doorways to the Past, St. Thomas of Croom: 1972. [16 pp., includes info. on sites & houses: Montpelier of Moore's Plains, Weston, Mt. Calvert, Antique Tool Collection of Mr. William Henry Duvall, St. Thomas' Church, White's Landing Daffodil Farm, Bellefield's, Mt. Airy, His Lordship's Kindness]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES, HOUSES, SITES, TOWNS
Ellis, John Tracy. Catholics in Colonial America. Benedictine Studies: 1965, [485 pp.]. Available at MD Room, PGCML, Hyattsville Branch. CHURCHES
Entwisle, Elaine & Willard. If the Trees Could Talk, A History of the Methodist Church in Forestville, 1816-1991: 1991, Available at the FDML, PGCHS; PGCGS. CHURCHES
First Baptist Church of Suitland, 25th Anniversary Program: 1975. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
The First Parishes of the Province of Maryland. The Diocese of Maryland, The Diocese of Easton, The Diocese of Washington: 1942. Available at the PGCGS, PGCHS, Washington Cathedral Library. CHURCHES
First United Methodist Church in Laurel, Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1840-1990. Program. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Floyd, Bianca Patrice. Bible, Book & Voting Booth: Early Black Institutions & Political History, 1870-1920. Call # 975.251B. Available at PGCML. BLACK HISTORY, CHURCHES & RELIGION Glenn Dale United Methodist Church: Celebrating 175 Years, June 17, 1990. Booklet. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Guide of Episcopal Churches 1634-1987. Available at the HPCL. CHURCHES
A Guide to Historic Episcopal Churches of Southern Maryland, 1634- 1984. Leonardtown. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Harris, Lawrence Reed, Jr. St. Barnabas' Church in Queen Anne Parish, 1704-1979. Leeland, MD: 275th Anniversary Commemoration of Queen Anne Parish, 1979. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Hienton, Louise J. History of the Riverdale Presbyterian Church: 1964. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Hienton, Louise Joyner. Prince George's County, MD, Piscataway or St. John's Parish, (now called King George's Parish) Index to Register, 1689-1878: 1961, Call # 929.3H. Available at PGCML. CHURCHES & RELIGION, DEMOGRAPHICS
Historic View Shed Analysis of the Sacred Heart Site & Jesuit Property, Prince George's County, MD. City of Bowie: Prepared by FWA Environmental Science, Inc., Sept. 1991. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES & RELIGION, SITES, TOWNS
A History of First United Methodist Church, 1840-1990, Laurel, MD. [76 pp.]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
A History of St. Jerome's Catholic Church, Hyattsville, 1886-1986, 100th Anniversary Edition: 1986. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Hogan, Rev. John F. Sacred Heart Chapel, 1741-1975: A Monograph on the Foundation and the Development of the Old Sacred Heart Church and White Marsh. Bowie, MD: Sacred Heart Chapel, 1975. [58 pp., Contains some genealogical info. on early Catholic families of P.G. County]. Available at MD Room, PGCML, Hyattsville Branch; FDML, PGCHS; PGCGS. CHURCHES
Holy Family, Mitchellville, MD, A Century of Service. Taylor Publishing Co.: 1991. [Also includes a history of Woodmore, Mitchellville]. Available at the church. CHURCHES, TOWNS
Holy Redeemer, 75 Years-1912-1987. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Holy Trinity Church, Collington, Est. 1704, 260 Year Anniversary: 1964. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Hotchkiss, Betty & Neil, comp. St. Matthew's Parish, 1811-1961: 1961. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Index to Registers of St. Matthew's Parish, Hyattsville, MD, 1834- 1926. DAR, Toaping Castle Chapter, Hyattsville: Genealogical Records Committee, 1981. Call # 929.3D. Available at DAR, PGCML. CHURCHES & RELIGION, DEMOGRAPHICS
Inventory of the Church Archives in the District of Columbia - Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington. Historical Records Survey WPA: 1940, 2 v., [Out of date but very useful; includes PG Co.]. Available at MHSL, PGCHS, PGCGS, Washington Cathedral Library. CHURCHES
Ives, Joseph Moss. The Ark and the Dove: The Beginning of Civil and Religious Liberties in America: 1936. Repr. New York, NY: Cooper Square Pubs., 1969, [435 pp.]. Available at PGCHS; MD Room, PGCML, Hyattsville Branch; MHSL; McKeldin Library-UM; PGCGS. CHURCHES, GENERAL HISTORY
Jacobsen, Phoebe R. Quaker Records in Maryland. Annapolis, MD: Hall of Records Commission, 1966, [154 pp.]. Available at FDML, PGCHS; MHSL; MSA/Hall of Records, MD Room, PGCML, Hyattsville Branch. CHURCHES
The John Carroll Papers, Vol 1-4, 1735-1815. Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, ISBN 0-268-01186-9. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES, FAMILIES
Landover Christian Church, The History from its Beginning, 1898-1985. Part 1 (1898-1959) by Evelyn Hilderbrand, Part 2 (1959-1985) by Geraldine Franklin. Prepared for 70th Anniversary celebration. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Lauriola, Francis J., ed. St. John The Evangelist, The History of the Parish, 1774-1984, Forest Glen/Silver Spring, MD. [Includes biography of Archbishop John Carroll, born in Upper Marlboro, 1735]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Lydkker, John Wolfe. Thomas Bray, 1658-1730, Founder of Missionary Enterprise, and Contributions of the S.P.G., to the American Way of Life, by Frank J. Klingberg, Pub. #14. Philadelphia: The Church Historical Society, 1943. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Meder, Gloria. Along the Potomac Shore in Prince George's County; a Local History from Tanta-Cove Garden Club. Tanta-Cove Garden Club: 1983, Call # 975.251M. [Bibliography, incl. bldgs., 100 pp., ill., a local history of Manors, families and churches]. Available at PGCGS. FAMILIES, CHURCHES, GENERAL HISTORY
Melville, Annabelle M. John Carroll of Baltimore: Founder of the American Catholic Hierarchy, 1735-1815. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1955, LC # 55-7195, [338 pp.]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS; PGCGS. CHURCHES, FAMILIES
150 Years of Methodism in Beltsville, MD, 1836-1986. Committee on Records & History: 1986. [42 pp.] Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES, TOWNS
The Organization of St. Philip's Parish & The Consecration of St. Philip's Church, Laurel, MD, 1848-1948: 1985. [An exact & verbatim copy from the first register of the parish]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Patterson, Elizabeth H. History of St. Andrew's Chapel, College Park, MD, 1928. [Unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES & RELIGION, TOWNS
"Queen Anne's Parish Register, List of Bachelors, 1762." Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. VIII, p. 93., 1967. Available at the MHSL; MD Room, PGCML, Hyattsville Branch; PGCGS. CHURCHES
The Reminder, Hyattsville Presbyterian Church, 1899-1904. Booklet. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Riverdale Presbyterian Church. University Park, MD: 1972. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES, TOWNS
Rollo, Vera Foster. A History of the Lanham United Methodist Church, 1792-1976, [unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Russell, William Thomas. Maryland, The Land of Sanctuary: A History of Religious Toleration in Maryland From the First Settlement Until the American Revolution. Baltimore, MD: J. H. Furst, 1907. Available at the MD Room, PGCML, Hyattsville Branch; EPFL; UM-McKeldin Library; MHSL. CHURCHES
Skirven, Percy G. First Parishes of the Province of Maryland. Historical Sketches of the Ten Counties and of the Thirty Parishes in the Province From the Time of the Establishment of the Church of England in Maryland, 1692. Baltimore, MD: The Norman Remington Co., 1923. [181 pp., Includes exact wording from many of the original acts and records.] Available at McKeldin Library-UM, MD Room; PGCML, Hyattsville Branch. CHURCHES
Spalding, Thomas W. The Premier See, A History of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, 1789-1989. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. [591 pp.] CHURCHES
St. Andrews Episcopal Church, College Park, MD, 1890-1990, Centennial Celebration: 1992. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. TOWNS, CHURCHES
St. Ignatius Church, Oxon Hill, MD, 125 Years. New York: Monarch Publishing Co., 1974, LC # 74-17834. Available at the FDML, PGCHS, PGCGS. CHURCHES
St. Mary's Church: History & Heritage, (Opening 1948). Landover Hills: 1981. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
St. Paul United Methodist Church, 1791-1991, Oxon Hill. Bicentennial Program. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES, TOWNS
St. Thomas of Croome, Prince George's County, MD, 1732-1953. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
The Story of St. Mary's of the Mills Church, Laurel, MD. Bicentennial Committee: 1976. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Strosser, Ted L. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Baden, Maryland. [A written & visual history.] Available at the HPCL. CHURCHES
Traudt, Robert. The Story of the Carmelites in Maryland, from 1866- 1875. Silver Spring, MD: 1981. [Thesis-Washington Theological Union]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. CHURCHES
Tyng, Charles Rockland. Record of the Life & Work of the Rev. Stephen Higginson Tyng, D.D. (1800-1885), and History of St. George's Church, NY to the Close of his Rectorship. Dutton: 1890, Call # BIOGRAPHY TYNG T. Available at PGCML. CHURCHES & RELIGION, FAMILIES
Utley, George Burwell (b. 1876). Life & Times of Thomas John Clagett: First Bishop of Maryland & the First Bishop Consecrated in America. Donnelley: 1913, Call # BIOGRAPHY CLAGGETT U. Available at PGCML. CHURCHES & RELIGION, FAMILIES
Wollon, James T., Jr., A.I.A. Trinity Church, Upper Marlboro, Its Architecture & Furnishings: 1993. [Unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. ARCHITECTURE, CHURCHES, TOWNS
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