PG Tricentennial Prince George's County:
Over 300 years of History

* Almanack & Guide: A Handbook of Community History & Services; Moyaone Reserve. Piscataway Company, Inc.: n.d. Call # 917.52P. Available at PGCML; FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, GENERAL HISTORY

* Bosanko, Ed. Triumph & Tradition: Firefighting in Prince George's County, MD, 1887-1990. John D. Lucas Printing Co.: 1990, Call # 352.3B, [Bibliography]. Available at PGCML. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* Boulevard Hts. Fire Department, 1923-1973, 50th Anniversary Year Book. [Unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* Brigham, Arthur P. History of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. WSSC: 1992. Available at the HPCL. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* Campbell, Dennis (b. 1938). Journey Through Time: A Pictorial History of the Prince George's County Police Department. Virginia Beach: Donning Co., 1991, Call # 363.2C, [304 pp., ill.]. Available at PGCML. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* Duckett, T. Howard. WSSC History, 1918: Report on the Advisability of Creating a Sanitary District in Maryland, Contiguous to the District of Columbia, and Providing it with Water & Sewer Service. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* Fiftieth Anniversary, Branchville Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., 1925-1975. Branchville Ladies Auxiliary: 1975. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICE, TOWNS

* The First 50 Years of the Glenn Dale Fire Association, Inc., 1928- 1978. [Related history & activities]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* Geary, F.X. Fire Call: A History of the Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Dept., 1921-1977: 1977. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, TOWNS

* Hershman, Robert R., and Stafford, Edward T. Growing With Washington; the Story of Our First 100 Years. Washington, D.C.: Washington Gas Light Company, 1948, Call # 665.7W. Available at PGCML. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* History of College Park Volunteer Fire Department, 1925-1985. [Unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, TOWNS

* History of the WSSC, 75th Anniversary, 1918-1993. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* The Neighborhoods of Prince George's County. P.G. County Community Renewal Program: 1974, [483 pp., Development patterns, land use characteristics, and other information on the 72 neighborhood units of the county. Includes capsule histories of each, with emphasis on 20th century development.] Available at PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, TOWNS

* Prince George's County Volunteer Firemen's Association Anniversary Programs: 1928, 1932, 1933, 1936, 1939, 1948, 1972. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES

* Rotary Club of College Park, 50th Anniversary, 1934-1985. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, TOWNS

* You and the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission, 1927- 1952. M-NCPPC, Call # 711.06M. Available at M-NCPPC. COMMUNITY SERVICES

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These pages were created as a part of the 1996 PG County Tricentennial celebration. Additional history resources are listed on the bibliography page. These pages are not being updated. They are now located on the Prince George's County Historical Society's web site. Contact links: web site manager - Society information. You can search the entire site through this search form.:

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