Bosanko, Ed. Triumph & Tradition: Firefighting in Prince George's County, MD, 1887-1990. John D. Lucas Printing Co.: 1990, Call # 352.3B, [Bibliography]. Available at PGCML. COMMUNITY SERVICES
Boulevard Hts. Fire Department, 1923-1973, 50th Anniversary Year Book. [Unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES
Brigham, Arthur P. History of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. WSSC: 1992. Available at the HPCL. COMMUNITY SERVICES
Campbell, Dennis (b. 1938). Journey Through Time: A Pictorial History of the Prince George's County Police Department. Virginia Beach: Donning Co., 1991, Call # 363.2C, [304 pp., ill.]. Available at PGCML. COMMUNITY SERVICES
Duckett, T. Howard. WSSC History, 1918: Report on the Advisability of Creating a Sanitary District in Maryland, Contiguous to the District of Columbia, and Providing it with Water & Sewer Service. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES
Fiftieth Anniversary, Branchville Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., 1925-1975. Branchville Ladies Auxiliary: 1975. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICE, TOWNS
The First 50 Years of the Glenn Dale Fire Association, Inc., 1928- 1978. [Related history & activities]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES
Geary, F.X. Fire Call: A History of the Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Dept., 1921-1977: 1977. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, TOWNS
Hershman, Robert R., and Stafford, Edward T. Growing With Washington; the Story of Our First 100 Years. Washington, D.C.: Washington Gas Light Company, 1948, Call # 665.7W. Available at PGCML. COMMUNITY SERVICES
History of College Park Volunteer Fire Department, 1925-1985. [Unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, TOWNS
History of the WSSC, 75th Anniversary, 1918-1993. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES
The Neighborhoods of Prince George's County. P.G. County Community Renewal Program: 1974, [483 pp., Development patterns, land use characteristics, and other information on the 72 neighborhood units of the county. Includes capsule histories of each, with emphasis on 20th century development.] Available at PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, TOWNS
Prince George's County Volunteer Firemen's Association Anniversary Programs: 1928, 1932, 1933, 1936, 1939, 1948, 1972. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES
Rotary Club of College Park, 50th Anniversary, 1934-1985. Available at the FDML, PGCHS. COMMUNITY SERVICES, TOWNS
You and the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission, 1927- 1952. M-NCPPC, Call # 711.06M. Available at M-NCPPC. COMMUNITY SERVICES
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