A symposium to connect the University of Maryland at College Park with cultural and historical organizations in Prince George’s County. We will learn about one another and discuss how best to work together. The event will be structured on the basis of suggestions provided by those who have already responded to our invitation. By listening to the challenges faced by museums and historical organizations in the County, we hope to clarify future directions in UMD-county collaborations.
WHAT: A conversation about working collectively to address common issues
WHY: Need to connect to each other and the county as a whole
WHO: Historical, cultural, and museum organizations in Prince George’s County
HOW: Opening remarks by key speakers followed by small group discussions on issues, closing with symposium attendees reflecting on ways to address issues collectively
WHEN: December 8, 5-8 pm
WHERE: Benjamin Banneker B Room 2212, The Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland, College Park. Free Parking is available in Lots Z and 1b just west of the The Stamp Student Union.
Food and refreshments will be served.
Judith Freidenberg
Department of Anthropology
0101 Woods Hall
4302 Chapel Lane
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20770