About John Peter, Editor & Administrative Assistant PGCHS

Administrative Assistant for the Prince George's County Historical Society & Chair of the Prince George's County Preservation Commission

Maryland Milestones/Anacostia Trails Heritage Area Inc. has moved!

ATHA Inc. has moved to the Magruder House (4701 Annapolis Road, Bladensburg, MD 20710) just around the corner from Bladensburg Waterfront Park. Sharing space in Bladensburg’s oldest building with AEON Preservation Services and Prince George’s Heritage Inc., ATHA Inc. will have limited public hours. Our email and phone numbers remain the same. Mail may now [...]

How to Grow Celery in Prince George’s County, Maryland in 1853

Horticultural. CELERY.      The production of goods celery is a point well worthy the care of the gardener.  Few vegetables are more highly prized were require so much attention from the time the seed is sown till it is furnished to the table.  The droughts of summer and the severe frosts of winter are [...]

Piscataway, Maryland: a Travelogue – September 1842 – Everyone’s a Critic

[Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.] Port Tobacco, Charles co., Md., September, 1842   Piscataway is a gloomy and forlorn looking village of Prince George's county, and is situated on Piscataway Creek, about eight miles above its mouth, and distant by water communication about twelve miles from Alexandria, and by land eight - it is distant [...]


Beginning on Friday, August 28, and continuing through Thursday, September 3, 2015, the newly restored Old Greenbelt Theatre will be showing the new film “Rosenwald” which tells the story of Julius Rosenwald (1862-1932), president of Sears, Roebuck and Company from 1908 to 1924, and one of America’s great philanthropists. Although Rosenwald was involved with many [...]

“Probably All Overcome by Heat” in August 1900.

  "Probably All Overcome by Heat" in August 1900.             Thomas Cook, forty years old, of Upper Marlboro, Md., was overcome by the heat on the street this morning. The police of the first precinct book, him to the Emergency Hospital for treatment. Frank Toy, seventy years old, whose home is at Lehigh, Pa., became [...]

News from Upper Marlboro August 2nd 1890

125 years ago, The Sun newspaper reported the following tidbits of local interest: Bosny Fleet, colored, who is charged with illegal voting last fall, was captured yesterday and lodged in the upper Marlboro' jail. A frame building adjoining the Gazette office and Upper Marlboro' caught fire yesterday. The flames were extinguished by the town fire [...]

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