At the Society’s December 13, 2016, annual membership meeting there were not sufficient members in
attendance at the time of the meeting to hold the election of officers for 2017. Per the Society’s by-laws a
quorum constitutes a minimum of 25 members. Therefore, in order not to delay the election of officers, we
are asking members to complete the ballot below and to return it to PGCHS, PO Box 1513, Upper Marlboro,
MD 20773-1513 with a postmark no later than February 18, 2017. Thank you.
The Nominating Committee’s Slate is as follows (please choose no more than one for each Officer position
and no more than six for the Director position):
OFFICERS (one-year term):
 President, John J. Petro
 Vice President, Lynn Roberts
 Treasurer, Ruth Davis Rogers
 Secretary, Jane Taylor Thomas
 Historian, Susan Pearl
 John Brunner
 Christine Garcia
 Stacey Hawkins
 Sealani Weiner
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
2017-2019 (three-year term) DIRECTORS (up to six positions available):
There are two open positions, so if you would like to serve, please write in your name. In order to
confirm that you are a member in good standing, please print your name below:
To view the Society’s by-laws, please go to our website, www.pghistory.org and click on Who We Are.